Tanya– Postpartum Mom with Headaches, Back Pain, Digestive Issues

When I saw “Tanya” two weeks ago, she was five weeks postpartum, and feeling pretty miserable. She was having headaches 4-5 days per week(!), and had very uncomfortable muscle spasm sensations all up the left side of her back and neck, with numbness and tingling into her left hand. She had a lot of low back pain, too. Her digestion was also suffering, including stomach upset, bloating, and heartburn.

One of the first things I noticed with “Tanya” was that her breathing was very restricted. This is SO common in postpartum women! I gently helped her organs find their places after moving to make room for Baby. She immediately began breathing better, and I knew this would also improve her digestion issues, and some of her left-sided pain.

I worked gently with her pelvis and spine, especially focusing on the top of the neck where she had a lot of compression that would potentially be giving her headaches. She was already feeling better when she left her appointment.

Yesterday when she came back, she looked much more at ease in her body! I asked about her headaches, and she said she hadn’t had any in the last two weeks! Most of the pain in her low back was gone, and the symptoms on her left side were much improved, with no numbness or tingling in her hand. Her digestion was also great!

I’ll continue help her through the postpartum recovery, and continue to work with some postural issues that can create pain, but I was really happy to see how much better she was doing after one appointment.

I felt so glad for “Tanya,” and really thankful that she reached out for help. Those early postpartum weeks can be SO challenging, even without pain. It was easy for me to help her, and I know that it makes a big difference for her whole family’s experience if she can feel better in her body.

If you are in pain or struggling postpartum, please reach out for help. You deserve to feel good in your body.


Michaela– Severe Hip and Back Pain in Pregnancy