Kelsey– Back Pain, Hip Pain, Edema, Allergies, Asthma

When Kelsey called me for a phone consultation, she let me know right away that, as a seasoned medical professional, she was skeptical about holistic/ complementary therapies. But she was in enough pain that she was ready to learn more. I assured Kelsey that I work with the actual tissues of the body– mainly through the fascia– and there are very reasonable explanations for the “magical” things that can happen! She had a lot of questions for me, and I enjoyed talking with her about her body’s history and how I hoped to be able to help her.

Kelsey had a spinal fusion (T2-L4) surgery through most of her back when she was a teen, almost 20 years ago. Quickly after that, she developed intense and sometimes debilitating hip pain on both sides. She had sciatic pain down both legs, with daily aching, along with frequent low back pain. Her legs were also swelling a lot, and she had pitting edema up to her thighs during her pregnancy, three years ago. Her legs and ankles were still swollen on a daily basis.

Another big issue was constant sinus allergies and asthma. She had been medicated for years, and when she came in, I noticed her usually breathing through her mouth instead of her nose. Kelsey also had a lot of pain between her shoulder blades, and was clenching her jaw a lot.

I really felt for Kelsey, who seemed very uncomfortable and discouraged, but I knew right away that she had so much potential to feel much better!

The first thing I noticed as she laid on the table was her very shallow, effortful breathing. Her organs were tucked up high in her chest cavity, making it very difficult to open her diaphragm and expand her lungs. I gently released her stomach and liver, and the diaphragm itself, and she immediately took a long, deep breath. She was so amazed and grateful! That was a great start to the session for her.

I also noticed a lot of tension in her kidneys, and one was too low. This can cause a lot of hip pain on its own, as well as sciatic symptoms– and was also a likely culprit for the swelling in her legs. I worked with her kidneys, her low back, neck, and head. She had a lot of compression in her head and neck that was making it very difficult for her sinuses to drain, creating a lot of congestion for her. She immediately started swallowing a lot, a sign that her head was draining.

When I checked in with Kelsey after her first appointment, she sent me an enthusiastic report: Her mood and energy were improved, and she was sleeping better. Her hips felt great, with an occasional ache on one side, but minimal compared to what it had been. She also felt like she could stretch her lower back, which was always a challenge before. (Remember, she had a spinal fusion through most of her back.)

One of the biggest changes she noticed was that her torso felt longer, as if she had grown taller, and her posture was improved– she was enjoying standing up taller. Her breathing was of course much better, too! Her sinuses were more open and it was easier for her to clear them when blowing her nose. Her legs also felt much lighter. The swelling wasn’t completely gone, but was changing.

She said that she was feeling so much more calm and patient, perhaps because of the new optimism that her problems could be improved, and that she was simply enjoying feeling better in her body. She wondered why no one had ever told her that she could get help for all of the pain and dysfunction she had been experiencing!

I have continued to work with Kelsey several more times. Sometimes the hip pain has come back a bit and then improved– this can be a very normal part of the process– but overall, everything just keeps getting better. She was pleased to tell me yesterday that she has been off of her allergy and asthma medications for the first time in years, and that she feels better than she had while on them. We will continue to work on opening her sinuses and making sure her head can drain well. Her ankles and legs looked great– no longer swollen! Now that she isn’t in much pain, we are working together on making sure she can connect with her abdominal muscles (resolving issues from both pregnancy, cesarean scarring, and years of postural issues) so that she can strengthen and support her body to avoid going into painful patterns again.

I am so glad that Kelsey took a chance on something that sounded unfamiliar and even a little weird at first. It has been such a pleasure to work with her, and truly fun and exciting to watch the changes unfold. I smile every time I see her, walking in looking so much more relaxed and at ease in her body. Now that she knows she can feel better, she is exploring other healing options, as well!

When I asked Kelsey for a note from her about her experience, she sent me this beautiful testimonial:

Working with Ariana has been so incredibly therapeutic, not only physically but emotionally. After almost 20 years since a very invasive spinal surgery and being told ‘it is what it is’ regarding my hip and back pain, Ariana made me feel validated and hopeful that I could get to a place where I didn’t feel like my body was failing me.

At my first appointment, after a very quick and gentle fascial release of my diaphragm, I became incredibly emotional. I laid on her table tearful, feeling amazed that I had taken the deepest breath I felt like I had ever taken. I felt so hopeful in knowing that I could feel good in my own body and wondered not only why I allowed myself to live with so much discomfort for so long, but also how much discomfort I didn’t know I was dealing with every day.

I never realized how much trauma my body had been through post surgically compounded by a c-section delivery 3 years ago. I never knew something like Ariana’s bodywork existed, and now I’m so happy I explored this avenue of care I never knew I needed.

My quality of life has been improved so drastically in a few months of working with Ariana. I feel less achy, making it easier and more enjoyable to play with and care for my daughter. I feel a sense of release in my abdomen and I have room to breathe, which helps me stand up straighter and more confidently and access my abdominal muscles for exercise which makes me feel stronger.

My allergy and sinus symptoms have improved so much that I only occasionally take an antihistamine for relief. And just last week while traveling with my family, for the first time in 2-3 years, my ankles and legs weren’t swollen after hours of flying, walking, and sightseeing.

Working with Ariana has helped me become so much more aware of my body and to take this time living abroad to really focus on improving myself. As women, especially mothers, I think we’re so strong and resilient that we just push through so much not realizing that our relationship with our own body and our quality of life could be so very different.

Kelsey and I both desire that women would receive better care, be taken more seriously in their pain and dysfunction, and be free to enjoy life without so much suffering that we take for granted as a somewhat normal part of being a woman.

If you have been suffering, I hope you will reach out for the help you deserve.


Keira: A 5 Year old with Potty Training and Bed Wetting Issues