Keira: A 5 Year old with Potty Training and Bed Wetting Issues

Keira was five years old, and struggling with bed wetting and staying dry during the day. She and her parents had been working on it for a couple of years, but things just weren’t improving, even after some special treatments recommended by her pediatrician.

During my first session with Keira, I noticed that she had some tension in her head and neck. I gently released these restrictions, as well as working with the areas of tension I found in her low back and pelvis that were likely compressing the nerves related to bladder function..

As I was finishing up her session, she suddenly had a surprised look on her face, and announced “Pee! Pee!” She jumped off the table and her mom took her to the bathroom. Her mom told me afterwards that this was the FIRST time she had actually expressed the need to urinate! They had just been taking her to the bathroom as a routine to keep her bladder empty, thus far. So that was an exciting, immediate improvement– being able to feel the sensation of a full bladder!

In the days after her first session, she only had one accident, and she continued to let her parents know when she felt the need to go to the bathroom. I worked with her two more times, and she continued to improve, much to her parents’ relief.

Keira and her family moved back to the USA after her third treatment, but I was able to find another pediatric CST practitioner to continue the work with her family.
What a privilege and a joy it was to help her!


Lynn– Cesarean Scarring, Pain, and Pelvic Floor Issues