Lynn– Cesarean Scarring, Pain, and Pelvic Floor Issues

Cesarean scarring and adhesions (tissues getting stuck together) are a women’s health issue that I am very passionate about. This week’s story is a wonderful example of the kinds of problems they can cause, as well as the incredible results we can achieve through working with the tissues using gentle, skilled manual therapy.

“Lynn” came to see me specifically to get help with her cesarean scar issues. She had her first cesarean birth 18 years ago, and another one five years ago. She described the tissues in her pelvis as being hard, and she noticed that her lower belly just seemed bulkier than it should be. She also had numbness, from above the incision line to below her pubic bone. In addition to this, she had some hormonal issues, only getting her period 2x/year, and she also suffered from pelvic floor symptoms (stress incontinence and needing to pee often).

Working with Lynn and her abdominal/pelvic scar tissue has been very fun and fascinating for me! In addition to the symptoms she came in with, we realized that her scar tissue had spread all over her abdomen. It was pulling on various areas and organs, and causing all kinds of problems.

Within the first couple of sessions, her periods started coming back regularly. Although very painful at first (as they had always been), they continued changing and becoming less painful as we continued our work together.

One very interesting symptom she had was “gallbladder attacks” while she was on her period. When I worked with her gallbladder, she felt it pulling down diagonally into her pelvis, connecting with her cesarean adhesions. Releasing those stuck tissues resolved the gallbladder symptoms, and making sure that her liver was freed up as well helped Lynn with other symptoms related to hormones, fatigue, and moodiness.

The significant numbness she had experienced for 18 years changed very quickly as we worked together, and she was completely shocked when she went in for a waxing service. For the first time, she FELT it– definitely not fun, but very exciting progress!

Pelvic floor symptoms changed a lot with each session, and she began to be able to jump rope, run, and lift weights without leaking!

In a recent session, I helped release some scar tissue that was tethering her ribcage down towards her pelvis. After that appointment, she let me know that she was finally able to do the “cobra” pose in yoga– lengthening her chest and ribs away from her hips, into a comfortable back extension.

I’ve been working with Lynn for a while now, and overall, her function, pain level, and vitality just keep improving. One thing that we both really regret was that we don’t have a “before” picture of her cesarean scar! The changes to the appearance are really amazing. Before we started, there were areas that were pink or purple, parts that either pulled in, or pushed out. Visually, when I see these things, it’s a sign that there is a lot of scar tissue build up that can be greatly improved. Now, her scar is all the same color as the rest of her skin, and is very smooth! (A well-healed c-section scar can almost be invisible!) She is also happy that she doesn’t have the same “pooch” in her lower belly that she came in with.

Even though we can’t show you before and after pictures, it’s so cool just to tell you about all of the changes in Lynn’s health and vitality that have come from taking care of the scarring from her cesarean deliveries. Most women have no idea how many of their symptoms could be coming from their scar tissues, and how much potential they have to feel better.

Here’s a little note from Lynn:

“Working with Ariana has been amazing. I love her level of professionalism. A lot of my issues are so embarrassing to say out loud and during my sessions with her she never makes me feel embarrassed or ashamed of them. Each time I work with her I learn a little more about my body. I can’t recommend Ariana enough. She has changed my body and life for the better!”

We both hope that sharing her story might encourage many of you to feel very hopeful, and to get the support you deserve!


Shannon– Pelvic Pain After Cesarean Delivery


Keira: A 5 Year old with Potty Training and Bed Wetting Issues